How to Select the Most Appropriate Frame for Your Face


Eyeglasses serve an important purpose. We want them to work properly but we also want them to look great. Choosing the perfect eyeglasses frame may seem challenging because of the overwhelming number of choices. We can make this decision easier by understanding how to pick the best frame for our specific features. Choosing the right frame is a matter of knowing which style best suits your face size, shape, and your overall coloring. Below is an explanation of how to select the most appropriate frame for your face.

Face Size

This is the easiest characteristic to determine. You simply want a frame that fits the scale of your face. In other words, a small face needs small frames. A large face should have larger frames. Having the correct size creates balance and symmetry. You have likely seen people wearing incorrect sized glasses. For example, a tiny elderly lady with a very small face wearing giant glasses. Or a man with a full round face wearing tiny glasses. When the scale does not match it creates an awkward appearance. So, simply choose frames that fit the size of your face.

Face Shape

The shape of your face is another important determining factor when selecting eyewear. There are seven basic face shapes and particular frame styles that best match those shapes. They are as follows:

  • Round – A round face is circular with the width and length in the same proportions. Narrow frames will strong angles lengthen the face to make it appear thinner and longer. Rectangular frames that are wider than they are deep will help to widen the eyes.
  • Oval – An oval-shaped face is balanced. To keep this balance, find frames that are as wide as the face. Walnut shaped frames are optimal for the oval-shaped face.
  • Oblong – The oblong face is longer than it is wide. It may include a long nose and a long straight cheek line. Frames with more depth than width assist in creating a balanced appearance. Decorative frames add width to the face making it look shorter. A low bridge shortens the nose.
  • Base-down triangle – This facial shape has a narrow forehead with wider cheeks and chin. To widen the forehead, select frames which are colorful or decorative on top. Cat eye shaped frames are perfect for this facial shape.
  • Base-up triangle – This is the opposite of the previous shape. The top of the face is wide and the bottom is narrow. Very light-colored frames or rimless frames are best suited for this shape.
  • Diamond – Faces with this shape are narrow at the eye line and jaw line. They have broad cheekbones that are sometimes high and dramatic. You can soften the cheekbones by choosing frames with distinctive brow lines. Oval frames, rimless frames, and cat eye shapes are good for this face shape.
  • Square – The square face has a broad forehead and a strong jaw line. The width and length are generally in the same proportions. Soften the angles by choosing a narrow frame style. Narrow ovals or frames with more with than depth are best.


People have either warm or cool based coloring. We look best in colors that represent our color base. Eyewear is no exception. Select colors that complement your color base. A person with a cool color base has a skin tone with blue or pink undertones. A warm complexion has yellow undertones. Olive skin is considered cool. Hair color and eye color play a secondary role in determining your color base but skin tone is the primary determining factor. Frame colors best suited for people with warm coloring are camel, gold, copper, khaki, peach, orange, coral, and red. Frame colors best suited for people with cool coloring are black, silver, blue-gray, plum, magenta, pink, and jade.

There is no need to struggle with choosing the perfect eyeglasses. By understanding your face size, shape, and your overall coloring, you can make the perfect choice. Contact us for more information and assistance.

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